python complete course

Python Complete Course 
  1. Python Intro
  2. How to Download and install Python IDE on Window 10
  3. How to Download and install Visual Studio Code for Python
  4. Python Print Statement
  5. Python Comments
  6. Python Data Types
  7. Type Casting
  8. Python User Inputs
  9. Python if-else conditional statements
  10. Python List
  11. Python Tuple
  12. Python Set
  13. Python Dictionaries
  14. Python For loop
  15. Python nested for loop
  16. Python while loop 
  17. Python nested while loop
  18. Python Functions
  19. Python Lambda Functions
  20. Exception handling
  21. Regular Expression
Interesting Programs:
  1. Python Calculator program (For Exercise)
  2. Make Even Odd program by using if-else conditions (For Exercise
  3. Python Factorial Program by using for loop (For Exercise)
  4. Python Leap Year program (For Exercise) 


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